Be Gentle With Youself

I just wanted to share something that really encouraged me from one of my morning bible studies. It really touched my heart and it was just what I needed and I thought you all might enjoy some love today too:
Jesus watched a needy widow drop in two small coins of very little value into the temple box.—Luke 21:2. Just imagine how she might have felt as she entered the temple courtyard carrying her two small coins. She might have been embarrassed at seeing the large donations made by those ahead of her, maybe even wondering if her small offering was really worthwhile? Even if she felt so unworthy she still wanted to give what she could, and Jesus said that she “put in more than [the rich] all did.” (Luke 21:3, 4) God’s view was the one that really mattered, not what other people thought or even how she viewed herself.

Sometimes others do things that can cause us to feel unloved, unworthy, and even despised. We might start to compare ourselves with others. At times we might feel like giving up or as if our small efforts are worthless, but our Creator and Father loves those little things. He cherishes all our tries, and is so proud of us when we keep going in spite of difficult and overwhelming circumstances. Don’t compare yourself with others my friends and “never give up in doing what is fine”. Gal 6:4,9. 💙 💙

Have a beautiful day sweet friends and remember not to compare yourself with others. Our Father in the heavens knows you’re doing the best you can.

Much love,



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